Wow, what an amazing looking day, the images truly capture Isobel + Ben's wedding magical day. With the uncertainty of Covid restrictions they just wanted to get married!
Prior to receiving the beautiful box of stems spoken to Judith Isobel's lovely mum about making a pieces using the flowers from her bouquet. Who i must say makes the most beautiful botanical buttons! Buttoned up on instagram. A ceramic expert so no pressure!
Isobel's bouquet was created by her using a mixture of home-grown flowers from her garden, her mum's garden which included mint that was grown from her mums bouquet and meadow sweet from the horses field and a flowers grown by a lady in the next door village. What a beautifully personal thing to do with no prior experience of creating a bouquet. The flowers were used to decorate the tables.

A box arrives and it's always a delight to explore what's inside! I love the fact that every box of flowers is different, the combinations of flowers the way they work together in texture and shape, the more challenging flowers, the flowers which are new to my work and exploring how they will be placed on the clay. There is also the nerving pressure to create pieces that people are happy with and that you meet expectations. As the maker you are entrusted me with such memorable and special flowers. I don't use a templates i explore the compositions and sizes that work well together and create every piece uniquely. There are naturally uncertainties with the process and sometimes things need to be remade due to unfortunate events in the kiln firing process.

I was right in the middle of having my new studio space built so made the pieces in the house. Because of the COVID restrictions my studio build had been delayed and took longer than anticipated to get finished. I was conscious that time was passing by as my kilns were playing up and again was halted by the wait to get them fixed.
Finally i was able to get the pieces fired and glazed, the glazing process for my work takes some time as i use pigments to highlight and celebrate the texture of the flower. This requires lots of work cleaning the surface to reveal the flower without to much shadowing. I then proceed to glaze the inside to ensure that if required for function as well as a keepsake they can with hold water.
I became some what attached to Isobel's pieces as they have travelled through a journey with me. The packing up of the piece was done 3 times! as i was little nervous about their transportation. Eventually had 2 jugs, 2 large vases and a selection of gifted wall pieces for the very patient wait indeed. Isobel was very happy with the pieces thank goodness.

Its funny that even though you never meet people, you feel a real personal connection to them when you create bespoke handmade pieces from the floral bouquet, I am so pleased that the couple were able to have the wedding they they wanted in the current climate. A beautiful DIY wedding that really feels beautifully warm and personable in these strange times. I am also little bit in love with her beautiful horses.
I can't wait for the wedding season to resume to create lots of personal pieces for future couples.
Make sure to read on up until the Conclusion of this article in order to be able to learn the most about folding furniture for small spaces. We have also included a video in order to give you further information on the topic of small space folding table and chairs.
Moreover, if you’re interested in some Wall-mounted DIYs, do check out our guide on small folding table
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