The Ceramic Botanist by Louise Condon Designs
Telephone: 07398178853

Background & Studio
I have always been curious and fascinated about natural found objects such as plants, unusual flowers, shells, pebbles as well as natural environments. I love to go out and collect wild plants and objects that reflect the seasons and the changes in nature.
The pieces I create are tactile and capture the life, structure and form of the plant at that particular point in its life span. Each piece I create is individual in its composition. I create scenes from nature whether it’s from the bareness of winter and the beautiful skeletal structures or the fullness of the summer bloom. I create the pieces by hand and use cranks and grogged stoneware clay. The firing’s really enhance the body of the clay creating an overall rustic effect that doesn’t distract from the botanical compositions which are enhanced by oxides.
It’s important that we celebrate and promote the importance of wildflowers that are diminishing in our British countryside and cities. Wild flowers support pollinators such and butterflies and bees and support insect eating birds.
I realise that my interests and relationships with nature come from memories of nostalgia, childhood and my experiences of collecting objects. By exploring natural objects and environments this nurtures my hunger to fulfill my creative obsessions.
I began my journey on Btec GNVQ in Art and Design course. I was taught by highly skilled tutors who guided and inspired me how to observe, record and experiment with materials both 2Dimensionally and 3Dimensionally. Most importantly how to learn from my mistakes, take risks and be as experimental as i could. I fell in love with clay, plaster and glass the very first time i used them. I was addicted to translating my ideas into ceramic pieces. When the kiln door opens it can be both disappointing and elating. It always leaves you hungry for more........
From the Art Centre i went onto do my Degree in Design Crafts at NEWI- North Wales Institute of Art + Design. This was a real challenge for me and not something i ever thought i could aspire to. I continued to develop more specialised skills in Glass, metal work and Ceramics. I specialised in Ceramics. I graduated from my degree in Design Crafts in 2000.
After my degree i went onto to study for a PGCE and began working in the community with local artists, day centres, local events, running workshops, working in schools creating a variety of art works in a range of materials. I also began teaching at West-Cheshire College where i have worked since 2000 teaching art + design delivering and running a number of courses level 1, level 2, level 3 and a number of adult leisure classes. Teaching is a real passion and i feel that its really important to enable young people to progress creatively and reach there full potential. Promoting the arts and creative subjects should be celebrated, embraced and valued.
The studio is situated in the garden. It's a long space and holds a potters wheel, slab roller, work benches and lots of recycled rustic shelving and storage. I have 2 top loading kilns. I have lots of plants hanging around which I collect during the season and use through the winter. I also have a trusted workshop assistant Smokey the double doodle.